About Tennessee Traveler  image
The original Tennessee Traveler was created to fill the need for a period-appropriate, universally accommodative rifle case. These two primary goals were not easy to achieve, however, as we soon found out. Creating a beautiful case body was one thing. Creating a period look and feel was another. Creating a universal system to retain a wide variety of weapons without resorting to the ubiquitous foam inserts so commonly seen was quite another thing indeed. After all, there’s nothing wrong with a “foam sandwich” when it comes to modern day “black guns”. It was a different story when it came to 80-100 year old rifles with wooden furniture and earlier design elements. After months of development, the first Tennessee Traveler with a universal mechanical retention system was born. While that first case wasn’t quite as universal as we’d hoped, we were on the right path to creating an “every rifle” case to fit most military surplus rifles within a given range of length.